Monday, 30 July 2012

30 July 2012

well there is not much new here. but there are a lot of things that I have learned like one of the most resent is the example of one inviting others to the Savior and another inviting others to the adversary I found it wile reading in Alma 48 and like always satin only invites us to come to the border of our comfort level and then when we are there tries to make us think that it is not a bad thing to go farther. but on the other hand our Savior has told us that we need to become better and he teaches us how we can be able to meet His standard. like the Nephites had Maroni to teach them how to defend our selves from the attacks of our enemy. we have modern Prophets to lead and guide us. so that was one thing I found in the book of mormon that was a cool insight. and well I am sorry that I got this to you so late but I was just a little busy playing basket ball. and so I was not able to get it to you sooner but that is all about what we have been doing so far today and not much else this week a-lot of hard working looking for people to teach. so I hope all is well with you there.

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