Tuesday, 11 December 2012

11 December 2012

hello how are you? well this one will be short and I wont add any photo's for this last E-mail. any way I just wanted to let you all know that I love you and that I am looking forward to seeing you all soon. so there is not really any news other than I was able to see the torres and the meza family again and let me tell you time flies the meza girl is 2 now and I was there for her first birthday party. so needless to say I was surprised to see her. and the torres family is doing great. and I was planing on putting the photo's up my self so you will have to wait. oh I decided where I want to visit.I will let you know who when we come. so I will see you and speak to you soon. LOVE YOU MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Merry Christmas!

Monday, 3 December 2012

3 December 2012

so how are things going I thought that I should let you know that I have been given an extension........ hahahahahaha I know that one would get you:) :D :P :b 3:D okay any way no I haven't gotten extended but I do want you to remember that I am still a missionary and yes for only a few more days. but don't remind me please!!! porque estoy bien cajuelado (yes I know that's not proper Spanish Diana.) so not much has happened this week other than a lady that we have been teaching has chosen to be baptized soon I wont say how soon I want that to be a surprise (I can feel your suspense) well I know have a photo for you (look to the attached photo) so this is the baptism last month on the 4th. so we have been working (see mom I'm not as lazy as I used to be) or am I??? we will see :D so yeah not much to report this week (had an appointment this morning all is good so far) Love you all and I will speak to you next week!!!!