Monday, 28 November 2011

28 November 2011

It has been a great week 2 of our investigators set a baptismal date and they really are loving the Gospel so that is wonderful.

I haven't been here for very long and every one treats me like family and to answer your question Yes I had Thanksgiving diner 2 of them, one day after the other and the 2nd one turned into a member present:D.

I also made some Clam chowder my own recipe I'll send you a copy.! (I got your card on the 23)

well any way how is life back home??

mommy you know that when I get home I will be giving you and daddy such a big hug that you can hardly imagen.

I have been thinking a lot about the mountains lately, since every morning I wake up and watch an amazing sun rise on snow capt peaks it is so beautiful I love it. I feel that one day I will be living there. but that day is far distant.

any way I wanted to send some Christmas cards but I don't have the address so if you could send me them that would be wonderful.

I will be asking President Tilleman if we can Skype this year or not and I will let you know as soon as possible. I was also thinking Diana will most likely be leaving on the 28th of DEC. so I will miss hearing her voice and so it will only be me you speak to on Christmas unless the MTC changes policy.

any how. the work is going very well so far we are doing a lot of tracting but a lot less than I did in Vancouver city.

(Diana) did you know that Presidant Brown went in shortly after me! and he knows
several people in Nauvoo and he might remember me because I volunteered to speak if he needed any one from that area.

(Mariah and family) I miss you! send more Emails.

It was a little weird at first but I still do language study.

(Nichole and family) I miss you and love you all! same thing on the Emails :D...

well any way I am still working hard every day.

Have a wonderful week every one :D:D:D:D:D:D

Monday, 21 November 2011

21 November, 2011

There was snow my way that is true! we woke up a few days ago and there was a good 3 inches of snow every where. When we were on our way back from a interview we stopped and got these pictures.

So how has my week gone? it was a rather strange one, but also a good one at the same time. We had a fun drive down from Camble river.

any new prospects? well YES and we will be starting ESL classes this week and we are hopping that it will go well any way.

Ok more about my week. I have come to see how blessed I have been in my life.

So you had some computer problems well me too one of the computers here is chafa and well it's really slow. I am also glad to hear that the mail system works it's quite nice to think that those peaces of paper in paper can mean so much. hint hint.

Well I am well fed here on the island and the members are wonderful.

I do need some new glasses.

Elder Smith and I have been working hard and it is paying off we have a few investigators that are very strong and you can see their testimony growing.

grgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgr I had a lot written and it didn't save.

I would like to say to all those that have a desire to serve, Take haste and do so. You are all called to serve in any way you can you may or may not get a letter calling you to be a missionary but the Lord has called you to help his children return to him.

I miss you all so very much but I know that we all will be blessed for this sojourn that I have undertaken and in time we will see them!. At this time I will follow the council of a stake president.

This is my foundation of faith...

1. I know I am a Son of God. Thought we do not have the "Proof" that
so many say we need. the only "Proof" we need is the very sound of our

2. I know that I must Repent in order to be pure. No unclean
thing can enter the kingdom of heaven;

3. I know it is only by our Brother and Saviors Atonement that we can become pure;

4. Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, Repentance, baptism by the Authority of God for the remission of sin, the gift of the Holy Ghost by the same Authority and
Enduring to the end are the only way to salvation;

5. I have been called by God to teach his Children and guide them back to His path;

6. The truth has been restored and it will never be taken from the Earth
ever again;

7. we all have been given gifts from our Father in heaven
and we must use and develop them;

8. God wants to speak with us and will always and forever;

9. I have been charged with my own part of the Lords gathering of His children;

10. I am a man that many do not know but I know the things I can do to help no matter the small the help may be;

11. "they can take my belongings and my family from me, even my very
life but they can never take my love and faith in my Lord and God"!;

12. I am subject to the laws of men like any other but I will always
serve my King!;

13. I believe that an honest heart is a pure one and that we must seek for those that will help us remain pure in all things.

well they are 13 points of my foundation of faith.


Monday, 14 November 2011

14 November 2011

I am well and I am working hard. my shoes are okay and my suits are in
great condition. The reason I was on last night, I was on sending
E-mails to potentials about activities coming up. I always check
my E-mail to see if I get anything from the mission. I saw the Spanish
and I wanted to translate it.

So marry is going to get married that is wonderful. Alic and Eli got their
Eagles that's good. what did they do?

Elder smith and I are doing well,we laugh a lot and we play whats called anti chess. it's rather fun.

Courtenay is very nice it's rather small but it's a lot bigger than
Carthage. The members here are very nice. They really want to help us out.

So we are still getting settled into our apartment. I still get lost here but I do know how to get around a bit.

We will be starting an ESL class and we have a Spanish lady that is very excited
for it. She wants to help me with my Spanish.

well I want to send some pictures. I have taken a lot of sky pictures but I will be taking more.

Well Elder Smith and I went 5 pin bowling that was frustrating I only got
low scores.

Well we will be cleaning alot to day.

Monday, 7 November 2011

7 November 2011

probably a Orca. well I think that I would have known that it was if it was!!! the captain said that they were porpoise! I have no clue what those are but that's what he said.

So how is your week going? well my week as been both good and STRESSFUL! It was not fun during the stressful times. we had allot of appointments lined up and then they would call the morning of or the night before and cancel. not fun but it's not much different from Spanish work. other than the fact that the members keep asking us if we have food or not and then giving it to us anyway. now I know how the sisters in Carthage feel when you give them food.

Well when I got here, the members upon hearing that I speak Spanish started to think of all the Spanish people they know. I found a real Mexican restaurant and the food there is wonderful and the staff very nice knowing that I can understand them!!!!

haha well I am so happy to hear that so much is going well. It is weird to think that I could have a new niece or nephew before November is over!!!!! and Mariah haha how many times I teased her by asking her if she was Pregnant and now she is that's so funny... well not for her anyway.

I finally got picture with my new companion Elder Smith and I found out he is related. bueno how are things now that a week has passed?

I saw the pictures of the kids and they are getting so big when I first saw Beck I thought that he was Bethany no joke!! but when I read that it was Beck I thought HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE IS SO BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by the time I get home he will be 6.3 and heading out on his mission.

I am so glad that I am out here I know that I have learned so much and switching to English helped me see how much my Spanish has grown and I have to fight every day to keep it up. needless to say Elder Smith is learning a lot of Spanish!!

It feels at times when I am driving after dark that I am in Nauvoo or Carthage it's strange really that I cant really remember much about those small towns but I am growing to know quite well a whole new world.

I miss you and the rest of my family I never really thanked you all for everything that you have done for me so Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you.

One of the investigators that we have has a son that plays the bagpipes and has an extra chanter and has offered to give it to me and teach me a little!!!! how cool is that? well we will see how that goes.

Any how I am well I am looking for ways to lose more weight and so far I just don't feel like cutting out cookies from my diet. well what do you say?

With all my love Elder Ziegler