Monday, 19 December 2011

19 December, 2011

"So what did you do for your hump day?" well it is mission tradition to burn a shirt so that's what I did it was an old on with no pocket and most of the buttons were broken so I felt no remorse.

"How are your families doing that you are teaching?" They are doing really well and as they do progressing at their own pace some times I feel like "what's wrong you know it's true and the font only takes an
hour to fill!!!!"

so they are doing? great.

"How is the weather there?" I refer you to the attached photo!!!! it aint nothing like that!!!

"How are you and Elder Smith doing?" we are doing great we are working every day so that we can have a laugh and share the Gospel it is a lot of fun.

"Are you looking forward to Christmas?" yes I am. and the members here are as well. Elder smith and I are in the choir and we will be singing on Christmas day, and every member without fail has come up to
us and asked if we will be having diner that night and we do, but I
still think that it's so cool to see the love that a ward can have for
the missionaries.

"Are you going to be calling or skypeing?" I will be calling president Tilleman has said that is what we will be doing. and I have
derided that I will not be fighting with the lords servants.

well any way things are going really well for us here. I still look
forward to the time I become what the lord has planed for me but I
guess that I am a long term project. any way I see that Thomas was born
with a full head of hair that must have been funny! so what color is
his hair and his eyes?

I think that Diana... sorry Hermana Ziegler will come to see the
blessings that will come to her if she will look to this time with
great hope always looking to learn whatever she can. it will be a
great tool for her I know it. plus she will be in the MTC for
Christmas how cool is that I was there a year ago!!!!! tell here to
try out for the talent show she would be great I know she could think
of something fun to do!!

I love you all and I pray that all is well. Love Elder Ziegler Nos Vemos!!!!

Monday, 12 December 2011

12 December 2011

Hello well I am doing well and YES MOTHER I AM!!!!!!!!!! ( I asked him if he was keeping his apartment clean and other motherly questions)

I still can't believe how fast the time has gone I mean I was looking at the calender at the 1st of Dec. and I was thinking wow November flew and in only a few days till half way I don't want it to end.

well this week has been great we have had so many people actually speak with us
and not yell at us it was wonderful.

The ward is amazing they are so excited to do missionary work and are giving us ideas for finding people. I love it. (hey daddy & mommy) I would like to get a copy of your conversion story. I would like to be able to actually know how you felt as you learned the gospel and how it changed your life.

Well Elder Smith and I have a tree up and for decorations we have pass-along cards it is a true missionary tree. One of the members gave us a whole bunch of presents and they gave us scripture references as a clue to what they are so we are looking them up and putting on our thinking caps.

ESL is not going as of yet because we don't have any one to teach.

so far the work here is doing well we have some investigators that are progressing and seeking for the truth, it is so cool to see how their live have changed so far.

I have been studying about the life of Captain Moroni, seeing how it was and why he was the way he was and so far it has been very interesting because I am trying to see in my mind everything I read.

I have to go now but I want to let you know I love you and pray for you every day.
if there is any one you think I should write send me the address and I will write them asap.

Monday, 5 December 2011

5 December 2011

well Life here has been awesome rather cold the coldest it got as far
as I can remember is about -4 but I had my scarf to keep me warm.

I know it has flown by and tomorrow we will be looking back and thinking
were did 2012 go?

well any way I have been well and I might add I don't mind if I don't get a Christmas package I will be happy with simple cards and maybe some pictures and you can send them to the office and they will get them to me were ever I am.

It is rather weird to think that Diana might be there for longer I think it would be both good for her and a little saddening for her as well but as long as she keeps a
good attitude she will only ever get blessings. She told me about her hiccups it's funny that the elder can imitate them I also think it will be good for her to find out the cause. WE WILL FINALLY FIND THE ANSWER TO THE WESTERGREN HICCUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

any way right now things are awesome here I am Loving it I am really growing and
learning. I feel that Tomas is around me when ever I need a bit of a kick you could say!

I did get the journal and now I think that I have enough to last my whole mission I now have the one I bought which is very big the one Diana sent me and now aunt lee's. so I don't think I will need a new one for a long time.

Elder Smith and I are out talking to a lot of people and seeing the Lord work in several peoples lives and it is so wonderful.

The members here are awesome they are always giving to the missionaries, one of the
sisters took us shopping for food today. Then we helped a family move
some things after zone conference and we could see the gratitude in
their eyes. That is a wonderful feeling.

Well I have more to write

Monday, 28 November 2011

28 November 2011

It has been a great week 2 of our investigators set a baptismal date and they really are loving the Gospel so that is wonderful.

I haven't been here for very long and every one treats me like family and to answer your question Yes I had Thanksgiving diner 2 of them, one day after the other and the 2nd one turned into a member present:D.

I also made some Clam chowder my own recipe I'll send you a copy.! (I got your card on the 23)

well any way how is life back home??

mommy you know that when I get home I will be giving you and daddy such a big hug that you can hardly imagen.

I have been thinking a lot about the mountains lately, since every morning I wake up and watch an amazing sun rise on snow capt peaks it is so beautiful I love it. I feel that one day I will be living there. but that day is far distant.

any way I wanted to send some Christmas cards but I don't have the address so if you could send me them that would be wonderful.

I will be asking President Tilleman if we can Skype this year or not and I will let you know as soon as possible. I was also thinking Diana will most likely be leaving on the 28th of DEC. so I will miss hearing her voice and so it will only be me you speak to on Christmas unless the MTC changes policy.

any how. the work is going very well so far we are doing a lot of tracting but a lot less than I did in Vancouver city.

(Diana) did you know that Presidant Brown went in shortly after me! and he knows
several people in Nauvoo and he might remember me because I volunteered to speak if he needed any one from that area.

(Mariah and family) I miss you! send more Emails.

It was a little weird at first but I still do language study.

(Nichole and family) I miss you and love you all! same thing on the Emails :D...

well any way I am still working hard every day.

Have a wonderful week every one :D:D:D:D:D:D

Monday, 21 November 2011

21 November, 2011

There was snow my way that is true! we woke up a few days ago and there was a good 3 inches of snow every where. When we were on our way back from a interview we stopped and got these pictures.

So how has my week gone? it was a rather strange one, but also a good one at the same time. We had a fun drive down from Camble river.

any new prospects? well YES and we will be starting ESL classes this week and we are hopping that it will go well any way.

Ok more about my week. I have come to see how blessed I have been in my life.

So you had some computer problems well me too one of the computers here is chafa and well it's really slow. I am also glad to hear that the mail system works it's quite nice to think that those peaces of paper in paper can mean so much. hint hint.

Well I am well fed here on the island and the members are wonderful.

I do need some new glasses.

Elder Smith and I have been working hard and it is paying off we have a few investigators that are very strong and you can see their testimony growing.

grgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgr I had a lot written and it didn't save.

I would like to say to all those that have a desire to serve, Take haste and do so. You are all called to serve in any way you can you may or may not get a letter calling you to be a missionary but the Lord has called you to help his children return to him.

I miss you all so very much but I know that we all will be blessed for this sojourn that I have undertaken and in time we will see them!. At this time I will follow the council of a stake president.

This is my foundation of faith...

1. I know I am a Son of God. Thought we do not have the "Proof" that
so many say we need. the only "Proof" we need is the very sound of our

2. I know that I must Repent in order to be pure. No unclean
thing can enter the kingdom of heaven;

3. I know it is only by our Brother and Saviors Atonement that we can become pure;

4. Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, Repentance, baptism by the Authority of God for the remission of sin, the gift of the Holy Ghost by the same Authority and
Enduring to the end are the only way to salvation;

5. I have been called by God to teach his Children and guide them back to His path;

6. The truth has been restored and it will never be taken from the Earth
ever again;

7. we all have been given gifts from our Father in heaven
and we must use and develop them;

8. God wants to speak with us and will always and forever;

9. I have been charged with my own part of the Lords gathering of His children;

10. I am a man that many do not know but I know the things I can do to help no matter the small the help may be;

11. "they can take my belongings and my family from me, even my very
life but they can never take my love and faith in my Lord and God"!;

12. I am subject to the laws of men like any other but I will always
serve my King!;

13. I believe that an honest heart is a pure one and that we must seek for those that will help us remain pure in all things.

well they are 13 points of my foundation of faith.


Monday, 14 November 2011

14 November 2011

I am well and I am working hard. my shoes are okay and my suits are in
great condition. The reason I was on last night, I was on sending
E-mails to potentials about activities coming up. I always check
my E-mail to see if I get anything from the mission. I saw the Spanish
and I wanted to translate it.

So marry is going to get married that is wonderful. Alic and Eli got their
Eagles that's good. what did they do?

Elder smith and I are doing well,we laugh a lot and we play whats called anti chess. it's rather fun.

Courtenay is very nice it's rather small but it's a lot bigger than
Carthage. The members here are very nice. They really want to help us out.

So we are still getting settled into our apartment. I still get lost here but I do know how to get around a bit.

We will be starting an ESL class and we have a Spanish lady that is very excited
for it. She wants to help me with my Spanish.

well I want to send some pictures. I have taken a lot of sky pictures but I will be taking more.

Well Elder Smith and I went 5 pin bowling that was frustrating I only got
low scores.

Well we will be cleaning alot to day.

Monday, 7 November 2011

7 November 2011

probably a Orca. well I think that I would have known that it was if it was!!! the captain said that they were porpoise! I have no clue what those are but that's what he said.

So how is your week going? well my week as been both good and STRESSFUL! It was not fun during the stressful times. we had allot of appointments lined up and then they would call the morning of or the night before and cancel. not fun but it's not much different from Spanish work. other than the fact that the members keep asking us if we have food or not and then giving it to us anyway. now I know how the sisters in Carthage feel when you give them food.

Well when I got here, the members upon hearing that I speak Spanish started to think of all the Spanish people they know. I found a real Mexican restaurant and the food there is wonderful and the staff very nice knowing that I can understand them!!!!

haha well I am so happy to hear that so much is going well. It is weird to think that I could have a new niece or nephew before November is over!!!!! and Mariah haha how many times I teased her by asking her if she was Pregnant and now she is that's so funny... well not for her anyway.

I finally got picture with my new companion Elder Smith and I found out he is related. bueno how are things now that a week has passed?

I saw the pictures of the kids and they are getting so big when I first saw Beck I thought that he was Bethany no joke!! but when I read that it was Beck I thought HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE IS SO BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by the time I get home he will be 6.3 and heading out on his mission.

I am so glad that I am out here I know that I have learned so much and switching to English helped me see how much my Spanish has grown and I have to fight every day to keep it up. needless to say Elder Smith is learning a lot of Spanish!!

It feels at times when I am driving after dark that I am in Nauvoo or Carthage it's strange really that I cant really remember much about those small towns but I am growing to know quite well a whole new world.

I miss you and the rest of my family I never really thanked you all for everything that you have done for me so Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you.

One of the investigators that we have has a son that plays the bagpipes and has an extra chanter and has offered to give it to me and teach me a little!!!! how cool is that? well we will see how that goes.

Any how I am well I am looking for ways to lose more weight and so far I just don't feel like cutting out cookies from my diet. well what do you say?

With all my love Elder Ziegler

Monday, 31 October 2011

31 October 2011

Well Here I am in Courtnay!!! Estoy en la isla :D

I imagine that you did well after selling so much but not having enough to sell more today!!

Any way my new Companion is Elder Smith and he is from Maryland and I am his first foreign language missionary comp. The ward here is very nice the first thing they asked after the usual is "Do you have any diner plans" that sort of set me back they are a lot like you! I can feel the love they have for the Gospel.

I got some awesome videos on the fairy ride here we saw some kind of small wale or big fish jumping out of the water.

Life here is slower than in Vancouver or Surrey but it's a lot bigger than Carthage, but I like it being smaller. At times it's hard to think that I'm not in Spanish work but I wake up and here I am far away from the big city. I set my mind to do what the Lord wants of me so I will work harder than ever before. President told me to keep up my language study's and so I am doing that. I feel the same way about possibly finding a Spanish family.

It's so great that David and Zack want to serve a mission. there are less and less youth wanting to serve a mission.

I will be wearing a purple tie on the third.

well not much other than transfers happened this last week so I should have more next Monday.

oh since it's Halloween all missionary's have to be in their apartments by 6:00pm. so we will have a lot of study time...... well until later then.

Elder Eric Ziegler

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

26 October 2011

I am being transferred!!!!!!!

I am going to Victoria(Vancouver)Island in English work my new Companion will be elder smith!!!! I will have more details on Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 24 October 2011

24 October 2011

Well to start off I am sorry that I didn't write very much last week but I was rather distracted and so I was not able to think strait but now I am thinking!!.

well to start off our week was great Elder T and I have been working our hardest and never happier so we have grown closer. This is Elder S's last week so he has been really trunky. We are going to get a new Elder and we are trying to guess who will be training but I get the feeling that I will be!?.

Any way as I said we have been working hard and we haven't had many lessons but we are still getting out there and working hard!

So how have you been? I guess very busy saying good by to Diana and sending her off to the MTC! well she will be a really good missionary or Missionera as they say in Spanish jajajajajajaja I am looking forward to speaking to her. When we call on Christmas we need to have a little time to talk because I bet that she will be fluent by then. Better than me all I can do is hold my own in a conversation not much more.

So how does it feel to be an empty Nester? What are your plans for the winter? I imagine that you want Nichole and Mariah there for Christmas so that we can talk!!!!!!!!!

I am finding who I am and what I need to do in order to learn once and for all who I can be! oh by the way I made a deal and I want you to remind me of it when I get home Elder T. and I decided that I spent to much time in front of the TV so I want to sell all but three of my collection of DVDs so that wont be many. He thinks that its a lot that I will let go. But I only have about 12.

Any way I really would like to get a picture you can even E-mail it to me.

I would like to thank you for not letting me have a game system I just saw the video by Elder Bednar about Technology so I thank you for that.

Well I cant really think of much more to talk about right now but once I do I will write it down.

Monday, 17 October 2011

17 October 2011

bueno estoy moy contento que tango una familia tan lindo!

well about my week it was rather good we had a good time and I have been a rather busy missionary I worked on my B-day but for lunch we went to Denny's as a district and I got a free meal:)

I did get the package and it was unopened so every thing went through:D
I have pic's I want to send but i don't have the cord with me);

well elder trader wanted to cut his hair for president interviews the next day but he messed up and could not fix it so he had to shave his whole head.

so whats up?????? I am promised pics but I never get any!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had a lot of fun this last week but I have to tell you it was a packed one. Now it seams that I only have fun if I am working hard. oh... there are roomers of a new Spanish elder coming out! and the roomers are saying that ether I or Elder Escobar are training but I say that it's Elder trader but we will see. I am looking forward to the time I look back at the day and say I am tired and I am going to bed.

I loved my gifts but I think that next year just put more money on my card and I will send home a lot of stuff ok. Oh yeah I have no money on my card could you kindly put some on so that I could get you some post cards?!?!?!?!?!

What I have done with my gifts so far. I have eaten almost all of the candy I put the monkey right on my desk and the journal awaits my pen to fill it's pages,

Oh my Christmas wish list early: Celtic instrumental cd., and a big hug from every one.

I was reading in the ensign about the Book of Mormon and I really love the short article about the man washing his hands. That was so cool. this is the talk that I listened the most to and to those who know me I think will understand why.

Thomas S. Monson
May we ever be courageous and prepared to stand for what we believe.

My beloved brethren, it is a tremendous privilege to be with you tonight. We who hold the priesthood of God form a great bond and brotherhood.

We read in the Doctrine and Covenants, section 121, verse 36, “that the rights of the priesthood are inseparably connected with the powers of heaven.” What a wonderful gift we have been given—to hold the priesthood, which is “inseparably connected with the powers of heaven.” This precious gift, however, brings with it not only special blessings but also solemn responsibilities. We must conduct our lives so that we are ever worthy of the priesthood we bear. We live in a time when we are surrounded by much that is intended to entice us into paths which may lead to our destruction. To avoid such paths requires determination and courage.

I recall a time—and some of you here tonight will also—when the standards of most people were very similar to our standards. No longer is this true. I recently read an article in the New York Times concerning a study which took place during the summer of 2008. A distinguished Notre Dame sociologist led a research team in conducting in-depth interviews with 230 young adults across America. I believe we can safely assume that the results would be similar in most parts of the world.

I share with you just a portion of this very telling article:

“The interviewers asked open-ended questions about right and wrong, moral dilemmas and the meaning of life. In the rambling answers, … you see the young people groping to say anything sensible on these matters. But they just don’t have the categories or vocabulary to do so.

“When asked to describe a moral dilemma they had faced, two-thirds of the young people either couldn’t answer the question or described problems that are not moral at all, like whether they could afford to rent a certain apartment or whether they had enough quarters to feed the meter at a parking spot.”

The article continues:

“The default position, which most of them came back to again and again, is that moral choices are just a matter of individual taste. ‘It’s personal,’ the respondents typically said. ‘It’s up to the individual. Who am I to say?’

“Rejecting blind deference to authority, many of the young people have gone off to the other extreme [saying]: ‘I would do what I thought made me happy or how I felt. I have no other way of knowing what to do but how I internally feel.’”

Those who conducted the interviews emphasized that the majority of the young people with whom they spoke had “not been given the resources—by schools, institutions [or] families—to cultivate their moral intuitions.”1

Brethren, none within the sound of my voice should be in any doubt concerning what is moral and what is not, nor should any be in doubt about what is expected of us as holders of the priesthood of God. We have been and continue to be taught God’s laws. Despite what you may see or hear elsewhere, these laws are unchanging.

As we go about living from day to day, it is almost inevitable that our faith will be challenged. We may at times find ourselves surrounded by others and yet standing in the minority or even standing alone concerning what is acceptable and what is not. Do we have the moral courage to stand firm for our beliefs, even if by so doing we must stand alone? As holders of the priesthood of God, it is essential that we are able to face—with courage—whatever challenges come our way. Remember the words of Tennyson: “My strength is as the strength of ten, because my heart is pure.”2

Increasingly, some celebrities and others who—for one reason or another—are in the public eye have a tendency to ridicule religion in general and, at times, the Church in particular. If our testimonies are not firmly enough rooted, such criticisms can cause us to doubt our own beliefs or to waver in our resolves.

In Lehi’s vision of the tree of life, found in 1 Nephi 8, Lehi sees, among others, those who hold to the iron rod until they come forth and partake of the fruit of the tree of life, which we know is a representation of the love of God. And then, sadly, after they partake of the fruit, some are ashamed because of those in the “great and spacious building,” who represent the pride of the children of men, who are pointing fingers at them and scoffing at them; and they fall away into forbidden paths and are lost.3 What a powerful tool of the adversary is ridicule and mockery! Again, brethren, do we have the courage to stand strong and firm in the face of such difficult opposition?

I believe my first experience in having the courage of my convictions took place when I served in the United States Navy near the end of World War II.

Navy boot camp was not an easy experience for me, nor for anyone who endured it. For the first three weeks I was convinced my life was in jeopardy. The navy wasn’t trying to train me; it was trying to kill me.

I shall ever remember when Sunday rolled around after the first week. We received welcome news from the chief petty officer. Standing at attention on the drill ground in a brisk California breeze, we heard his command: “Today everybody goes to church—everybody, that is, except for me. I am going to relax!” Then he shouted, “All of you Catholics, you meet in Camp Decatur—and don’t come back until three o’clock. Forward, march!” A rather sizeable contingent moved out. Then he barked out his next command: “Those of you who are Jewish, you meet in Camp Henry—and don’t come back until three o’clock. Forward, march!” A somewhat smaller contingent marched out. Then he said, “The rest of you Protestants, you meet in the theaters at Camp Farragut—and don’t come back until three o’clock. Forward, march!”

Instantly there flashed through my mind the thought, “Monson, you are not a Catholic; you are not a Jew; you are not a Protestant. You are a Mormon, so you just stand here!” I can assure you that I felt completely alone. Courageous and determined, yes—but alone.

And then I heard the sweetest words I ever heard that chief petty officer utter. He looked in my direction and asked, “And just what do you guys call yourselves?” Until that very moment I had not realized that anyone was standing beside me or behind me on the drill ground. Almost in unison, each of us replied, “Mormons!” It is difficult to describe the joy that filled my heart as I turned around and saw a handful of other sailors.

The chief petty officer scratched his head in an expression of puzzlement but finally said, “Well, you guys go find somewhere to meet. And don’t come back until three o’clock. Forward, march!”

As we marched away, I thought of the words of a rhyme I had learned in Primary years before:
Dare to be a Mormon;
Dare to stand alone.
Dare to have a purpose firm;
Dare to make it known.

Although the experience turned out differently from what I had expected, I had been willing to stand alone, had such been necessary.

Since that day, there have been times when there was no one standing behind me and so I did stand alone. How grateful I am that I made the decision long ago to remain strong and true, always prepared and ready to defend my religion, should the need arise.

Lest we at any time feel inadequate for the tasks ahead for us, brethren, may I share with you a statement made in 1987 by then-Church President Ezra Taft Benson as he addressed a large group of members in California. Said President Benson:

“In all ages, prophets have looked down through the corridors of time to our day. Billions of the deceased and those yet to be born have their eyes on us. Make no mistake about it—you are a marked generation. …

“For nearly six thousand years, God has held you in reserve to make your appearance in the final days before the second coming of the Lord. Some individuals will fall away, but the kingdom of God will remain intact to welcome the return of its Head—even Jesus Christ.

“While this generation will be comparable in wickedness to the days of Noah, when the Lord cleansed the earth by flood, there is a major difference this time: [it is that] God has saved for the final inning some of His strongest … children, who will help bear off the kingdom triumphantly.”4

Yes, brethren, we represent some of His strongest children. Ours is the responsibility to be worthy of all the glorious blessings our Father in Heaven has in store for us. Wherever we go, our priesthood goes with us. Are we standing in holy places? Please, before you put yourself and your priesthood in jeopardy by venturing into places or participating in activities which are not worthy of you or of that priesthood, pause to consider the consequences. Each of us has had conferred upon him the Aaronic Priesthood. In the process, each received the power which holds the keys to the ministering of angels. Said President Gordon B. Hinckley:

“You cannot afford to do anything that would place a curtain between you and the ministering of angels in your behalf.

“You cannot be immoral in any sense. You cannot be dishonest. You cannot cheat or lie. You cannot take the name of God in vain or use filthy language and still have the right to the ministering of angels.”5

If any of you has stumbled in your journey, I want you to understand without any question whatsoever that there is a way back. The process is called repentance. Our Savior gave His life to provide you and me that blessed gift. Despite the fact that the repentance path is not easy, the promises are real. We have been told: “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.”6 “And I will remember [them] no more.”7 What a statement. What a blessing. What a promise.

There may be those of you who are thinking to yourselves, “Well, I’m not living all the commandments, and I’m not doing everything I should, and yet my life is going along just fine. I think I can have my cake and eat it too.” Brethren, I promise you that this will not work in the long run.

Not too many months ago I received a letter from a man who once thought he could have it both ways. He has now repented and has brought his life into compliance with gospel principles and commandments. I want to share with you a paragraph from his letter, for it represents the reality of flawed thinking: “I have had to learn for myself (the hard way) that the Savior was absolutely correct when He said, ‘No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.’8 I tried, about as hard as anyone ever has, to do both. In the end,” said he, “I had all of the emptiness, darkness, and loneliness that Satan provides to those who believe his deceptions, illusions, and lies.”

In order for us to be strong and to withstand all the forces pulling us in the wrong direction or all the voices encouraging us to take the wrong path, we must have our own testimony. Whether you are 12 or 112—or anywhere in between—you can know for yourself that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true. Read the Book of Mormon. Ponder its teachings. Ask Heavenly Father if it is true. We have the promise that “if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.”9

When we know the Book of Mormon is true, then it follows that Joseph Smith was indeed a prophet and that he saw God the Eternal Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. It also follows that the gospel was restored in these latter days through Joseph Smith—including the restoration of both the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthoods.

Once we have a testimony, it is incumbent upon us to share that testimony with others. Many of you brethren have served as missionaries throughout the world. Many of you young men will yet serve. Prepare yourselves now for that opportunity. Make certain you are worthy to serve.

If we are prepared to share the gospel, we are ready to respond to the counsel of the Apostle Peter, who urged, “Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you.”10

We will have opportunities throughout our lives to share our beliefs, although we don’t always know when we will be called upon to do so. Such an opportunity came to me in 1957, when I worked in the publishing business and was asked to go to Dallas, Texas, sometimes called “the city of churches,” to address a business convention. Following the conclusion of the convention, I took a sightseeing bus ride through the city’s suburbs. As we passed the various churches, our driver would comment, “On the left you see the Methodist church” or “There on the right is the Catholic cathedral.”

As we passed a beautiful red brick building situated upon a hill, the driver exclaimed, “That building is where the Mormons meet.” A lady in the rear of the bus called out, “Driver, can you tell us something more about the Mormons?”

The driver pulled the bus over to the side of the road, turned around in his seat, and replied, “Lady, all I know about the Mormons is that they meet in that red brick building. Is there anyone on this bus who knows anything more about the Mormons?”

I waited for someone to respond. I gazed at the expression on each person’s face for some sign of recognition, some desire to comment. Nothing. I realized it was up to me to do as the Apostle Peter suggested, to “be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you.” I also realized the truth of the adage “When the time for decision arrives, the time for preparation is past.”

For the next 15 or so minutes, I had the privilege of sharing with those on the bus my testimony concerning the Church and our beliefs. I was grateful for my testimony and grateful that I was prepared to share it.

With all my heart and soul, I pray that every man who holds the priesthood will honor that priesthood and be true to the trust which was conveyed when it was conferred. May each of us who holds the priesthood of God know what he believes. May we ever be courageous and prepared to stand for what we believe, and if we must stand alone in the process, may we do so courageously, strengthened by the knowledge that in reality we are never alone when we stand with our Father in Heaven.

As we contemplate the great gift we have been given—“the rights of the priesthood … inseparably connected with the powers of heaven”—may our determination ever be to guard and defend it and to be worthy of its great promises. Brethren, may we follow the Savior’s instruction to us, found in the book of 3 Nephi: “Hold up your light that it may shine unto the world. Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up—that which ye have seen me do.”11

That we may ever follow that light and hold it up for all the world to see is my prayer and my blessing upon all who hear my voice, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

I simply love that one and it is now a driving force for me and I seek to apply President Monson's advice.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

11 October 2011

Yes I had a very good week and I have learned a lot this last week and it is all in my journal. The one Diana gave me is full but I got another one that is rather large so I have a lot of room.

Well any way I am still asking where has the time gone? I am keeping sane at night I bought a Chess board and I am winning against another Elder 5 games to 4 with 2 stale mates.

Not much in teaching so far but we are doing a lot of tracting and so that is a lot of work.

Any way I am very excited to see the new additions to the family.

I am looking forward to the package but I don't feel like I am going to be 20. The district and I have plans to go to Denny's so I can get a free grand slam it will be after our district meeting.

I will also be spending the rest of my B-Day in Surrey on an exchange. Other than that I have only plans to share the gospel and trust me it ain't easy there can be no L.A.Z.Y. syndrome on a mission it is defiantly hard work.

Yesterday was Thanksgiving here in Canada but there was no civil build up to it. HERE IT IS. that's all it was all the advertisements are for Christmas and Halloween.

It's strange to think that I will reach a year on my mission this winter. I still miss everyone but it seems like I have only been gone a few months. I am working harder and harder every day.

By the way the pic I sent saying "can you see it" its a grouse!!!!


October 12th is Elder Ziegler's (Eric) 20th Birthday.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

4 October 2011

I HAD CLAM CHOWDER so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well anyway we had a great p-day and it was a long one. The weather is getting colder and it is raining more and more here.
I am getting happier than I have ever been and when I look back I think "WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE???????????????????" I am told that the time goes faster and that scares me.

Canada is very wonderful and I am so happy to think that I have changed so much so far. I know that I still have troubles but I also know that I will be able to grow from what it is that I am teaching. Now I feel that I can help in some small way and I have to thank you for all you have done to teach me and help me.

I really loved Conference this year but most of all this is the talk I felt the most.
I felt it manly because I lived it in Carthage and I had to Stand for what it was that I Believed and know what was right. I also wish to adapt the words of Abraham Lincoln "All I am or ever hope to be is because of my angel (parents)" It is true! you have been the driving force in my life. I, like the two-thousand sons of Mosiah know for I have never seen doubt in my mother or fathers eyes, of the truthfulness of this Gospel.
I will leave you now with my Love. Elder Ziegler

Sunday, 2 October 2011

2 Oct. 2011

Watch for Eric in this video around 21:30.

Monday, 26 September 2011

26 September, 2011

the sunrise the other day
one of my favorite pics a black tusk

Well first off with the getting out of bed on time she(Diana) will have a crash (no pun intended) coarse on that one and being on time well same story.

There are only 2 wards in Spanish here. so yeah I don't move much.

Can you believe it I have been a missionary for almost 1 YEAR. it's crazy for me to think about it, it feels like only a few months.

well the work is progressing a lot of things happened this last week...
1.Elder Maynes was here and did a mission tour.
2. I saw a Datson 280 Z (yellow).
3. I saw a sticker that said "Going to the sun Road, Glacier national park." that brought back some memories about the weeping wall and Mariahs pass.

Well not much else is going on here not anything exciting anyway just working hard and not much sleep so it's very tiring. But I would never change what I have learned thus far for anything in the world.

Well I have more E-mails to write I will keep you all in my prayers.


Monday, 19 September 2011


How is life treating you? the life is not to bad I am getting better at a lot of things and I am actually starting to forget allot about the things back home and what I liked to do.

so more about how things have been well I have a new companion well one I had before. Elder Trader elder Silbas went to surrey to finish his mission.

Remember how last week we went to Black tusk on a hike well I don't hurt anymore. yesterday I gave a talk in sacrament about missionary work but I tried to use a different way. I talked about the 2000 stripling warriors. Alma 53:17 I talked about how many missionary's have the same desire. They fight for the souls of their brothers and sisters. When I was reading this and preparing for the talk I was thinking is this my desire is this what I want to do. So that really changed my view on what I need to do to become closer to my Father in heaven.

I also can feel how much I miss you because today I was able to write a little and then the other elders wanted to go downtown and so on the way back I stopped here at the library so I could finish writing to you.

I am doing very well and I am sorry I did not send you an Email for your B-day to be honest I forgot and so I am trying to repent of that I love you very much I will be seeing you through different eyes when I get home.

well I need to go now but I will keep you all in my prayers.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

12 September, 2011

So how is life this week? well rather tiring a lot of work.
the 6.4 earthquake off the coast of Vancouver Island. did you feel it? no I didn't I found out about it on Sunday.
have there been any aftershocks? not that I know of.

Well other than that I have been very busy I have had to find new investigators and drop some. Today we went to a place called black tusk. and it was very cool. I will add some pics.

I am progressing in many way's I am getting better with the language. I am starting to know more of the doctrine, and I am loving the people more and more every day.

How is life there I hear so little of the going on's I feel left out. and I am not really wanting much.

About my week it was good we started out with a good time of phone tag with some of the members. then we went to see one of the members we haven't passed by for a long time and her grand daughter wants to be baptized so we will see what the mother says.

About the hike we went to the top of the middle mountain in the 3rd pic. and the trip down was the hardest part. We all had fun we also saw a wonderful lake well I will send more pics another time.

any way I have been rather cranky to day because of the hike we got up at 4:00am to be able to get back in time to shower and get dressed.

I love you very much and I want you to know I am well. the last pic was at the beginning of the trail. cool huh.

Monday, 12 September 2011

A few pictures Eric sent in August 2011

6 September 2011

wow a Lightning storm that must have been scary! well I am glad that every thing is alright.
ohh the library's were closed yesterday so we are able to email shortly today. so my week has been great. we found 3 new investigators now we need to help them progress.
I have been working harder on working with the members so that I can have longer and longer conversations and understanding. so I am starting to really get into the culture of the Latin people I am asking all the questions I can about it. we will be having a big ward party where I can learn more.
I learned a few things lately and I wanted to share them. A simple invitation may make all the difference. Have the strength to stand against the storm and be not one to be commanded in all things, Chose to act. also we can never fully understand the blessings of the temple unless we attend on a regular basis.
I have found the at times the fewest words are the ones that need to be spoken, for they may be the ones need to be heard.
well I am finding a lot of Spanish stores here in Vancouver one is called La Tierra del sol (the land of the sun) and they sell clothing, art and give a smile all from Latin country's. I bought a shirt there and I love it I'll send you a picture of me in it.
here is a quote I like that I heard from a member. ( I will translate) "your dreams can live on in those you love, and in me live the memory of who you where".
well I am glade that all is well and that no one is hurt I am praying for you and I miss you. I am in the lords work and I will be blessed though they may not come in this life.

29 August 2011

So how is the work going in your part of the vineyard? they are going very well and I am surprisingly happy and tired at the same time. I can't put my head down as I kneel or I will drift away. Who are you teaching? we are teaching several people so far, but most of them are progressing slowly and others are like ( this is my first time here I like it, what do I need to do to become a member.) How are things with your Companion? they are great he will be going home after Diana goes into the MTC and he has told me that he wants me to be a better missionary than he was. and better than all the missionary's the members remember. Any more fun stories? well just last night I scared one of the Elders in the apartment. what I did was after they had settled down for the night I swung open the door and jumped onto his bed and asked him in a deep voice to give me a hug. and he was screaming and said no get away. but we all had a good laugh this morning. any Spiritual stories? we were teaching a lady (2nd visit) we had invited her to be baptized and she said yes, then she asked us to help her prepare for it by reading with her and helping her understand.

so Daddy is trying to play mach maker is he well..... I am to busy to worry about that right now I am even to busy to eat at times. oh another funny story it was a dream. Elder Silbas my companion is a Zone leader and as I said he is about to go home (next transfer) and in my dream we got a call from President Tilleman and after he told Elder Silbas where he was going He started to talk to me then he said "Elder Ziegler you will be replacing Elder Silbas as Zone leader!" and all I said was "Are you kidding?!?!?!?" and with that all the elders had a big roomer. any way how are things there? I don't really get much info and I feel so far out of the loop I have no idea there is one let alone where it might be. Well I need to E-mail my sisters TE AMO MAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go and stand in front of a temple. Study carefully the house of the Lord and see if it does not inspire you to make some improvements in the physical temple the Lord has given to you to house your eternal spirit.

WE WILL BE GOING TO THE TEMPLE TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

23 August 2011

August 22nd. email

well for me life is much like this line even though we have had several weeks of sunshine. "lost in time here as the rain falls like sand in the hour glass of this brief life I have to live." and I want you to know that I love you. TE AMO MAS QUE QUAL QUIER COSA. MAS QUE ETERNIDAD. I'll let you figure that one out 3:-) I really miss your cooking and I have not had a chance to make any of your recipes because they take to long to do. but I will be making Pie Crust Cookie's. well how about some funny story's. yesterday wile in the middle of sacrament a fellow that was a few marbles short of a game. came in and sat down and after he was saying "I love you!, do you believe me?!, I have Flowers for you, I LOVE YOU!" he just kept saying that fue un boracho and so the bishop was kind enough to take him outside and I don't know what he did. so that's my funny story. ohh a lady the same day asked to pray at the end of gospel principals and it was the craziest and funnest prayer I have ever heard. well not much exciting going on here we are just doing our best to find, teach and baptize more people. the sky so far has been very beautiful here in Vancouver and I have been enjoying the nice soft nights and no I have not been talking a little treason. :) well always remember that I love you!!!!! and I miss you. Love Elder Eric Ziegler

August 15th email

Today Elder Silbas and I went to hike a trail called well I don't remember right now but I have pictures I will put them in a separate email ok oh the name is Chief mountain any way that was about 3 hours so it took up the hole day but we planed for that so we shopped at 6:00am any way we are emailing right now because of it. so how was your week other than the pain and the pills? can you send me a picture of every one I would like to have a more recent one. and on other news as a Spanish district we are planing a all Spanish day for October. so with that we are hoping to find allot of new investigators if not meet all Latins in Vancouver. well nothing else new really I am getting better with the language but I will let you know when I understand everything. well I want to send those pictures I will do my best to write more with them. well I remember what you said about those slugs.
The view about 1/3 up.
what I had to clime over and it was nice to be in the woods again.
a hole to clime through and some cool flowers I found.

the hike was hard going up and down. and the sky is very nice in the morning and at night sometimes. and well I guess that it's a bit of my life right now. I am now the house comedian because every one has a good laugh on my part. pero no me inporta y es lo que me gusta y tambien yo quiero ayudar les tener mas felicidad en sus vidas. ok back to English I am really loving my mission it is so much fun I am getting ready to sing at the Spanish day I want to sing a good Spanish song do you have any suggestions?

Monday, 15 August 2011

8 August, 2011

I have received your message about not sending longer E-mails and not having much info.

well this last week was not very much different other than the fact that I am now in the Spanish District :D

We are starting to build up to a really good workout routine so that it will become a habit and it will be easier to maintain.

I got my watch fixed and I am loving it I really love it (thank you Diana).

I am starting to think in Spanish first and at times I have to translate in to English what I am thinking so I am happy for that.

I have been learning a lot I started looking for scriptures to help me know how to obtain the attributes that I was given in my blessing. So far the hardest is patients for my investigators, it gets rather annoying but I am working on it.
Anyway I am doing great I am starting to see why it's called the best two years and I know that Diana will learn better and faster than I ever will. (hey Diana get ready to eat food that will make you gag and give you nightmares trust me I already did.)

I have found that it is easy to live in the past. And if you keep looking back you will never see the wonders to come, only those that have gone.

I have found that there are good quotes from random things. like a cat is a cat, it can never be a fish. well that one I still don't get. never mind.

I was reading (yes I Eric Ziegler was reading no need for the look of awe and amazement.) in Amos 3:3-8 and 7&8 kind of stuck out to me ( 3:7 the lord will do nothing save he tells us through his prophets. 3:8 the wicked will have all things to fear before the lord.) and when I thought that I was really thinking that a large majority of those wicked are looking for the strait and narrow path.)

I have not been doing to well on my journal writing and I am starting it back up I do not want to forget a day. I only have so many on my mission and these last almost 8 months have gone by too fast. Live your day as if there is no tomorrow and remember them as if they were the greatest in your life. remember your Yesterdays but look to your tomorrows with hope in your heart. we are all blind in this world but the more that we read our fathers words and pray to him for guidance those clouds that once darkened our world will give way to the light of who we are and what we can do. I have thought a lot on a quote from a star wars preview "It will be a hard life. one without reward, without regret without remorse. A path will be placed before you, the choice is your alone. Do what you think you cannot do, it will be a hard life but you will learn you are." and I really like to apply this to missionary work and our Earthly life but what we gain from this will and has changed us forever.

So for this week I leave you these thoughts with my Love.

Monday, 1 August 2011

25 July, 2011

well you want me to write more? I will do my best to include all of my week.

To start my companion has a zone leader companion and he at times needs to do zone exchanges and so I go with another elder. This last Monday I was with this other elder and we did mainly drop by's of investigators and members and I met a member that has been good friends of Tomasi and Irene Tukuafu. you may have heard before now.

Tuesday was full I was still on the exchange doing the same things. Wednesday was slow we didn't get any thing, but there must be days like those right or life would become boring.
On a very good note we have a new golden investigator or as we call them here "Pineapples from Heaven" and he is, he called us one day and said that he wanted to learn more about our church. He came last Sunday:)to church.

I went on another exchange with chines elders that reminded me of my first days here I did not understand a single word except "Amen" at the end of the prayers.

I then had church on Sunday. So in a nut shell that was my week but it was really fun.

Elder Silbas and I are growing really close I now consider him a close friend. I have been learning so much from him and I only hope to learn all I can before we separate.

I just thought of adding my profile link so here it is. .

I was thinking that I should tell you that I love it here the rain is a nice break from the heat and humidity that you have :P :b

so what is new there?
did Diana get her call yet? is she going french speaking or Spanish?
How is the US doing on the money Chaos are they pulling it out of our pockets or have they found out that we are plum dry?
Are you learning Spanish so that you can help me practice?

well that's about all I have LOVE EVERY ONE, MISS ALL. Elder Ziegler

Friday, 29 July 2011

29 July 2011

I apologize to everyone for not updating Eric's blog more this month. July here in Nauvoo area is crazy. The Nauvoo pageant brings in many people into the area and keeps everyone hopping. I will update soon.

Jo Ellen (Mom)

Sunday, 10 July 2011

4 July, 2011

HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It feels weird that I am in a different country today I mean I wont be able to see the Fireworks:( well I had an interview with the new Mission President last Saturday and those went well. he is rather funny he used to be an attorney and was a secretary to a few supreme court judges ( I was wondering if you could tell me the name of our family that in the same office in the courts). they thought it was cool to learn that I lived so close to the Carthage jail.

I was wondering what the status of my stuff that I asked you to sell how that was going.

I had one no the Hottest sauce I have had in my life it is called "Da' BOOM" and wow I was ready to die it was so hot and so if you get some and you find some one that says that the can handle hot give them this stuff and they will change their mind.

well we are going to have a BBQ to celibate 4 of July today and it will be good!!!! (: :) well how are things I want to hear more from home!! LOVE ALL MISS ALL

Monday, 27 June 2011

27 june, 2011

so these are some of the pictures that I wanted to send the are as you can see of me and the Mission President and his wife and, my new Companion Elder Silbus and also an Elder that just went home.

I have been transferred to Vancouver with Elder Silbus. He is a really good missionary and he is also Zone leader, but I am not. He has two companions one for language work and the other for zone work.
So a sad story my first full day here in Vancouver I smashed my finger in the car door. It hurt! but I am still able to use it, so no worries.

THE POST WILL BE OFF STRIKE TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am looking forward to all the mail that I will get in surrey but if I don't it's ok. I know that my family loves me!!!!!!

I am getting told that I am doing really well with the Spanish and that I sound like I'm from El Salvador, to me that is big. I know that it is only through the Lords help that it is possible.

My new mailing address
6957 lanark st
vancouver bc v5p2z6

Sunday, 26 June 2011

26 June, 2011 catchup on updates day.

Sorry everyone I am working so much and so long of hours at the current time I have not found a moment to update so here are the updates for the last 2 weeks.

June 14, 2011

Sorry I didn't E-mail yesterday the reason for that is I went to the Temple today and I got back to Surrey not to long ago. so I don't have much time the Library will be closing in an hour or 2. so my week thus far.... We had two member lessons yesterday and they went really well. They were both with new investigators. One is from Mexico and the other is from Columbia. They both have nice families.

So as I have told Daddy, I am able to understand a little more at church. The Spanish is coming at times slower than I would like.

OHHH funny story last Sunday we had diner at a members home and we took some pictures and I said something funny I was tiring to say my turn ( mi me toca ) but I said touch me ( toca me ) so as you can probably imagine every one started to laugh. well I want to send some pictures so you have them.

19 June, 2011

How are things in Canada? (Mom) (Eric)I am doing very well and I am getting into the hang of things here I still don''t like the big city!

Well not much more to report this week. tell me about your week!!! well I was really bummed because the post is on strike. are you getting transferred? I will find out tonight. Tell me about those you are teaching. We are teaching a Cuban and he is so ready for the gospel he can feel the spirit when he goes to church.
Tell me about your p day schedule and activities. Well to day we did a trail called the Grose grind and it was a grind!

Sunday, 12 June 2011

6 may, 2011

(mom)How is my Stripling Warrior? I am wonderful and I am doing great the language is coming and the food is getting better and better. not to long ago I was given some Mexican candy and some of it I really like but a bit of it is rather... well lets just say I didn't really like it.
so any way how was your week? My week was really good I am learning a lot every day and I am praying harder and harder every time which is like fifty times a day.

I am growing closer to the people and my self I am discovering so very much that I don't think that I would have learned or thought of before. are you loving your mission? One word... YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and a lot of those :)

whats new? well I am still trying to remember to send off a package but I keep forgetting. I got the one that you sent me I LOVE the tie. how are the Ketchup chips? saving them for you!!!!!!!! any good licorice and toffee? no not yet and I haven't had any clam chowder yet I cant find anywhere that has any.

well this P-day is what we call "Lower Main-land P-day" and we are going down to Peace Arch and it sound like it's going to be a lot of fun. I am looking forward to that I'll send some pics next week ok.

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

31 May, 2011

Elder Escobar and also the sisters in my disterect

the back of my plaque one of our younger investigators gave me the sponge bob stickers.

How are things this week? well they are really well and we have several; good things going on and even more about to happen.

You were at Ziggie's 9 am till 11 pm!!!!!!!!!! wow that is both great and terrible! I would never want to work that long without getting some food. over 150 people! that's good and summers coming so we will have even more to come. do you have the hole building? if so I think that if you made the back area a pastry shop you would do even better. That is so cool you opened up Ziggie's again I am going to tell every missionary in my districts from now on that if they go to Nauvoo to go in there and tell you that they served with me so they can get some good food.

The lawn is in desperate need of being mowed!. can you do it????? sorry no I can't I would love to but if I leave Canada I can't get back in.
It's so good to hear that many of the young men are wanting to serve the Lord. I am also looking forward to the time I get letters saying Elder.... or Sister...... well any way more about my last week well as you probably found out by now the Canadians are religious about their Hockey and one of the biggest teams are the Cannuk's and this Wednesday they are going to play for the Stanly cup. and well I also have a new friend here that really likes the Vikings (the people) as much as I do and yesterday he got baptized. he is the Bishops son.